Is Cherry Wood Good to Burn?

Is Cherry Wood Good to Burn?

Choosing the right type is crucial when selecting firewood for your fireplace or wood-burning stove. Cherry wood is often considered a popular choice among seasoned firewood enthusiasts. In this article, we'll explore the common characteristics of cherry firewood and answer the burning question: Is cherry wood good to burn?

Common Characteristics of Cherry Firewood

Before delving into its burn qualities, let's familiarize ourselves with the characteristics of cherry firewood.

1. Hardwood Classification: Cherrywood is classified as a hardwood. Hardwoods are generally denser and provide longer-lasting, consistent heat compared to softwoods.

2. Heartwood vs. Sapwood: The heartwood (the older inner part of the tree) is typically used for firewood in cherry trees. It has a darker color and is preferred for burning due to its higher density.

3. Aromatic Qualities: Cherry wood is known for its pleasant aroma when burned. This makes it a popular choice for those who want to enjoy a delightful fragrance along with their warmth.

Is Cherry Good Firewood?

Let's get to the heart of the matter: Is cherry wood good to burn?

Cherry Firewood Burn Qualities

1. Heat Output: Cherry wood provides a moderate heat output. It's not the hottest-burning firewood available, but it offers enough warmth to keep a room cozy. Consider mixing cherry wood with other hardwoods if you need high heat output for a large space.

2. Smoke Output: Cherry wood generally produces minimal smoke when correctly seasoned and dried. This means less soot build-up in your chimney and a cleaner burn.

3. Smell: As mentioned earlier, when burned, cherry wood has a pleasant, sweet aroma. This can enhance your fireplace or stove experience, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

4. Burn Time: Cherry wood burns relatively quickly compared to other hardwoods. If you're using cherry as your primary firewood, expect to add more logs to the fire more frequently.

5. Creosote Build-Up: One of the key concerns with any firewood is creosote build-up in your chimney. While cherry wood produces less creosote than softwoods, it's still important to have your chimney cleaned regularly to prevent potential fire hazards.

Pros and Cons of Cherry Firewood

Let's summarize the pros and cons of burning cherry firewood:


  1. It has a pleasant aroma when burned.
  2. Minimal smoke output.
  3. Suitable for smaller spaces and milder climates.
  4. It can be combined with other hardwoods for a balanced burn.
  5. Beautiful, reddish-brown heartwood.


  1. Moderate heat output may not be suitable for larger heating needs.
  2. Burns relatively quickly, requiring more frequent reloading.
  3. It may be more expensive compared to some other hardwoods.
  4. It is not ideal for extremely cold climates or prolonged heating needs.

Where to Buy Cherry Firewood

If you're interested in trying cherry firewood for your fireplace or stove, sourcing it from a reputable supplier is essential. You can contact Corrin Kiln Dried Firewood Co. for the best firewood for burning and cooking. Ordering online or calling 302-656-6077 is convenient, and they offer free delivery within 20 miles of 19801, with only $3 per additional mile.

Cherry wood can be a good option for burning, especially if you value its pleasant aroma and minimal smoke output. However, it's essential to consider your specific heating needs and climate conditions when choosing firewood. Mixing cherry wood with other hardwoods can help you balance heat output and burn time, ensuring a cozy and efficient fire.

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